It's almost 2011! This year has flown by. I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and has a safe and happy new year!
Just wanted to give an update on the big gift I received this year! My wonderful (and slightly insane :P) wife bought me my long coveted Nikon 10-24mm lens!! I was in shock, and still am when I see it on my camera! It is a beautiful lens and from what I have shot with it so far, it takes amazing shots, really sharp! I am super stoked to get out in the field and test it out. I also got a few other goodies, including a Really Right Stuff 'L' Bracket, a Really Right Stuff Quick Release Plate for the tripod, a hotshoe bubble level, 4 rolls of Ilford 50ISO B&W 35mm film, and my fathers Vivitar 2x Teleconverter for my Nikon F. So it was a good haul for me! How about you?
Well, I am quite caught up with getting things ready for my son's 3rd birthday party this weekend, so I will post pics up after sunday with shots of the lens and the other stuff! Hopefully some test shots from the lens as well :)
Happy New Year everyone! Be safe out there!