Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New Stuff

Good morning

Okay, so a couple more things:
I can now make prints for anyone who is interested! I am able to make prints on high quality photo paper, or even canvas! I can get them mounted on a variety of frames or have it shipped rolled up for you to mount or frame! This is very exciting news, and I hope that some of you readers out there support my hobby enough to get a print done! So, I don't really have any prices off the top of my head, but if you head over to my flickr page, you can pretty much pick any of the images and contact me and we can work out the details on prices, paper, mounting and all that exciting stuff! I was playing around with Photoshop and realized I can do some pretty large prints if you are so inclined :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Just got back from a vacation

Hey everyone!

Its been awhile since I have posted anything. I have been a very busy man the past couple of weeks. I am off work this week and the family and I made it up to a cottage on Chandos lake and had a great time! I got many nice shots of sunrises over the lake and I went on an adventure through the forest and got some good shots of some mushrooms and other forest like things. I had my tripod strapped to my back, and i guess the leg got caught on a tree while i was hiking around and snapped off. I didnt hear it because I was listening to some music, so now i have no tripod. We also went to vist my aunt and uncle near Toronto and had a great time there as well.

I am slowly but surely processing the images from the cottage and also the ones from the Olympic Flag raising on the 8th! Hopefully by next week i will have them up and ready to go. I dont have time to link the pics in this post, so as usual, go to my flickr page and look in the set "Summer Vacation 2008" and "Olympic Flag Raising". I will most likely edit this later and embed the images tonight.

I also changed the blog title picture to one i particularly liked from the cottage of a sunrise and some fog over the lake. I converted it to black and white in photoshop.
bye for now, enjoy the last week of summer! :)

Friday, August 1, 2008

been busy!

Hello everyone
I have been busy the past couple of weeks with work and the family. but we did get to go to Huntsville, Ontario to see my fiances aunt this past weekend! so we got to drive through Algonquin park which was very nice. of course i had my camera and got some really good shots. her aunt has an insane garden and i went a little nuts in there with the camera! but, came away with a ton of beautiful flower close ups!
i am going to link a couple here and you can check out the rest on my flickr page!

I tried to take some pictures of the stars while i was there, but it proved to be a little more difficult than i thought it would be! plus its hard to take a long exposure with no remote shutter release, so i will hold off on that for now!
Here is a neat little shot i did up of dayna and levi. i was going for a sort of 'Dave Hill' look, but i added a bit more softness to make it look a little more dreamy!

Awhile back, we had a family gathering at my folks place, and my grandfather was there. i had my camera around my neck the whole time and he got to calling me "Karsh", who was a famous canadian portrait photographer (more information) who photographed the famous winston churchill picture and many many others! all his work is very dark and moody black and white photos. while portraits arent really my thing, i really do like his work! so i thought i would create a karsh inspired photo of my grandfather! i think it turned out ok, it was color to begin with then i messed around with it in photoshop to alter the lighting and the color.

well, thats all thats new for us! next week there is a wushu demonstration in ottawa to commemorate the beginning of the olympic games in beijing! so my kung fu club is going to do a demonstration for the public and the politicians! i am hoping to get some photos of that which i will share with you all!

have a good weekend! i wont, i am working nights for the next 3 days, ugh :P