Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well hello everyone,
It's almost 2011! This year has flown by. I hope everyone is enjoying their holidays and has a safe and happy new year!

Just wanted to give an update on the big gift I received this year! My wonderful (and slightly insane :P) wife bought me my long coveted Nikon 10-24mm lens!! I was in shock, and still am when I see it on my camera! It is a beautiful lens and from what I have shot with it so far, it takes amazing shots, really sharp! I am super stoked to get out in the field and test it out. I also got a few other goodies, including a Really Right Stuff 'L' Bracket, a Really Right Stuff Quick Release Plate for the tripod, a hotshoe bubble level, 4 rolls of Ilford 50ISO B&W 35mm film, and my fathers Vivitar 2x Teleconverter for my Nikon F. So it was a good haul for me! How about you?

Well, I am quite caught up with getting things ready for my son's 3rd birthday party this weekend, so I will post pics up after sunday with shots of the lens and the other stuff! Hopefully some test shots from the lens as well :)

Happy New Year everyone! Be safe out there!


Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays!!

Hello there, long time no see!

So I want to give a quick update before the New Year on what's been happening over here at Craig Gosling Photography. As of November 25, I am now a father of 2 awesome little boys. The new addition is named Cooper. Also the oldest one turns three in a few days. They grow up so fast! So as you may have figured out, me and my wife have our hands full. It is a little difficult at the moment to maintain a blog, gallery, facebook fan page, twitter account, and find time to actually go take photos, then post process them etc! Phew.. So needless to say, I haven't been doing too much of anything like that. But, the New Year is just that, a new year (obviously, but you know what I mean :) I think Santa (my wife) is bringing me something special this year, I guess I have been a good boy? Expect some news in the next few days with regards to that :) So my plan is to get out some more in the New Year, to finally get my printer that I wrote about a long time ago up and working, to post process my backlog of shots! That's the plan as it stands right now with regards to photography stuff. So thanks for being patient, if people are still reading this blog, stay tuned!

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Years to everyone!