Wednesday, December 24, 2008

happy holidays!!

just wanted to wish everyone a happy holidays, however and whatever you celebrate! thanks for checking the blog out. my new years resolution (one of them anyways) is to update this page more!
i have begun working on my long term review for the D80, so thats coming along.
i also got to play around with a sb600 speedlight yesterday, and it was amazing! so for christmas, i had asked for money from everyone to get a new lens, but now i am seriously thinking about the flash. it changes the images completely! you will see some in a little bit, when i get around to posting some on my flickr page!
on another note, i joined deviantart recently. figured it was a good place to get some images out there as well. i just started that page, so eventually i will have prints available to purchase as well as some desktop wallpapers and things like that! here is the link: My deviantART page
check it out, and leave some comments if you would like, i always enjoy receiving feedback!
take care everyone and all the best in the new year!

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