Monday, March 2, 2009

some new pictures up!

hey all!

as you may have noticed, the layout of this page is ever changing. i am trying to match it as closely as possible to my gallery pages so the transition is barely noticeable. i think it is coming along nicely! i am getting a lot of help from Denise Goldberg (website here) who is an avid poster and blog customization expert at Dgrin (the Smugmug users forum). So thanks again Denise!

Well, i have put up some new images to my gallery! a few in the 'Landscape' page and finally a couple in the 'Break from the Norm' page.

be sure to check them out!

an old stone building

'No Escape'

large tree in IR

'Tree of Life'

Morning mist over the lake


Enjoy, and talk to you later


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